domingo, 29 de mayo de 2022


There's no home in the darkness, there are no friends between enemies, I'm nothing but a means to an end, a tourist in a concentration camp, a lost duckling during hunting season. This place is empty, these people are empty and this culture is rotting to its core, wood boards broken, windows shattered, hesitation marks, dreams undone, there's nothing left here, I don't belong.

There is no hand to hold nor blanket for the cold, no long hugs when in madness or warm suppers for sadness, only whipping at night and the dog that bites the man; no comfort, no relief, only life full of disease and the betrayal that's always present in the ones you love the most. Parasites.

I'm homeless, I'm alone, there's no others to claim home, no love or protection from the cold, there's no me and there's no other, there's no father, there's no mother, there's no friendship or a brother, just the taste of rusty water... and all of you, betrayal

There's nothing left for me here, no friends but only strangers, no home but empty places, no family, no loyalty, just vultures, there is nothing to hold on, I will always be a tourist, for here I don't belong. 

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